Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lightseekers 2009 Epilogue

Now that we are all home, the suitcases unpacked, the dirt and grime washed off, and the bug bites attended to with calamine lotion, I would like to wrap up this years camp with some final words. Our guest blogger, Kristen may have expressed the overall camp experience much better than I could, but I would like to leave with what Arol shared in our last time together Friday morning.

He explained that when God first created the man, He breathed His Spirit (Ruach in Hebrew)into Adam and faith worked. Sin entered when Adam and Eve ate the fruit and man faith and work were separated - man tried to reach God, not by faith, but by doing good works to try to make God (or gods) happy. That didn't work and Jesus had to come and die on the cross. After Jesus rose from the dead, He sent His Spirit (Nooma -Greek for Spirit or breath) to live inside His followers. Faith now can work again in our lives, but some believers are tempted to again separate faith and its working. They think that once they are a new creation in Christ Jesus, they can abandon the works that God is calling them to do -they don't cooperate in becoming God's Art Project (His Workmanship)

Arol told the campers that the way to make your faith work for those who have trusted in Jesus is to:
1. Read your Bible
2. Meet your team (of Christian friends) at church
3. Share God's love with everyone starting with your family

He left them with these words of wisdom from Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

Until next year, follow what we learned this week and WISE UP!

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