Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 2 -Wise Up!

We began anew bright and early this morning with the camp picture at 7:30 am, followed by an excellent breakfast of scrambled eggs, French toast with strawberries and whipped cream. Right after, we headed over to chapel where Miss Karla taught us some new praise songs. Afterwards Miss Janet introduced our first two World Vision kids we support including our new child, Dmitri from Romania. Then Miss Mary told us how we can be part of God's forever family when make the wise choice to ask Jesus to be our Savior. Later in our Walk The Talk times, the biblical concept of making wise choices in our lives (Proverbs 1:5) was re-enforced with practical teaching examples.
Right now, I'm listening to the happy shouts of children splashing in the pool. "Look at me, watch me," they shout to their leaders as they cannonball off the diving board under the ever-watchful eyes of the lifeguards.
Tonight we'll hear more from King Solomon's wisdom found in the book of Proverbs as Arol teaches us. He really wants them to "wise up" and has them bring their Bible, notebook and pen so they can remember these important words of life.

More later tonight. Check out the pics on the Flickr badge below.

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