Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 3 of Wise Up!

Throughout this week we are learning how to make wise choices - choices to do the right thing, to resist peer pressure which might lead us to hurt others or ourselves, to listen to and obey our leaders, parents and God. We can see, as our speaker Jim has shared during our chapel time, that unwise choices can lead to disaster. Last night, Jim shared from the book of Philemon about how the slave Onesimus had made bad choices that caused him to end up in prison where he met the apostle Paul. Paul introduced Onesimus to Jesus and taught him to look to Jesus to help him make wise choices.

Also in chapel, Carol has been sharing her cliffhanger missionary stories - this week she's sharing about John Patton and his adventures in bringing the Gospel to he New Hebrides islands. He faced cannibals and witchdoctors who sought to kill him for suggesting that their idols were false and that only the One True God had the power over life and death.

Of course you know that our chapel worship time is fantastic! Karla and her band (with members from four different churches) are doing a great job leading the kids in singing praise. Some new songs are mixed in with our old favorites (what would camp be without Pharoah, Pharoah, or the The Fruit Song?) Some of the Missionary Kids from TFB are leading the kids in hand motions to go along with the singing so if you see pictures with their bodies in weird poses, just realize that's part of a song.

Tonight we are going to have a special event which I will post about later.

1 comment:

dwinch said...

Thanks for your updates!!