Wednesday, July 15, 2015

End of the Second Day

In my ten years with Lightseekers camp I have never been so frustrated with email and Internet as I am right now. It's hard when you want to share all the exciting things that God is doing, but you are thwarted in actually being able to do so. When you think about those who were trying to proclaim the Gospel during the First Century, our minor annoyances with technology are so small in comparison. As Chris shared tonight, what we know about Jesus is revealed in His Word, the Bible and He by His life on earth reveals the Father to us. We can only in a small way, get a glimpse of who Jesus is - how great and how glorious He is. This week, we are attempting to show and reflect this Jesus to all the campers. Words are sometimes inadequate, but they are what God has given to us to express His truth to others. As frustrating it can be to not get an email or text from our loved ones, how much worse is it when the people who claim to belong to Jesus, garble His message by living lives that do not reflect Him or His character. We can only do with the circumstances we have at hand. I guess I should remember that when the Internet goes away like it is now. Hopefully you all can read this.

1 comment:

dwinch said...

Ann and Troops!

Reading you loud and clear and am sorry to hear of your great frustration. I know the kids are being blessed by the love shown around them, make sure you take some of that love into your heart as well. You are a blessing to me as I read (even the frustration parts) of your musings, observations and wit!!

Bless you -- Dae