Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love to Serve and Serve to Love

Today's word of the day was serve. Tuesday it was love and yesterday was shine. Putting them together with our camp theme -Look up to Jesus, we are to look to love (Jesus and others), look to shine (Matthew 5:16) our deeds, and look to serve. From what I've seen at this camp, the campers do love to serve. Right now, it's OTS (which stands for Opportunity to Serve)- this means they are setting the tables for dinner and will act as host/hostesses for their tables. All week the OTS kids have been offering to take my plate and bus the table with gladness. (Keep that in mind moms and dads). One of the reasons Lightseekers exists to help the children learn how to live like Jesus, in this case by serving one another. As Mary just reminded the OTS helpers, as we shine our good deeds before others, it points them to Jesus. It is our goal for them to serve others, not just at camp, but also at home, at school or in their neighborhood. Later, I will recap the evening...

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